Quick Order

Quick Order

If you have received a mailing or seen one of our press advertisements, you can place your order by entering the Order Ref. from the Reservation Form in the Quick Order section below. Details of the product you wish to order will be confirmed and you will be given the option to change the quantity you require.

All Quick Orders are subject to the terms and conditions stated on the original order form.

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Your Order Ref. comprises a 3 digit code followed by a 4 digit code followed by a single digit. 
The codes may be numbers only or a combination of numbers and letters

Examples of Order Refs:
859/1234/0    F12/6781/2    216/X126/A     875/575M/0

Having Problems Using Quick Order?

If you are having problems using 'Quick Order' the points below should help.  However, if you still cannot place your order, please click here to contact our Customer Service Team with full details of the product you are trying to order and they will get back to you to confirm your order.

I cannot find the Order Ref.
Nomally you will find the Order Ref. on the order form.  If you cannot find it on the order form, you may find it adjacent to the product.

I only have a Product Ref.
If you can only find a Product Ref enter 999 in the first section, followed by the Product Ref.  Leave the last digit unchanged as '0'.


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